Friday, July 18, 2008

Africa what a place!!!

Africa was hard to leave though because the culture, the ,country, the people were amazing. I really had an amazing time. I loved everything about it. We worked in a childrens home while we were there called Lulwanda. We painted and painted and painted some more. we also cleared off their incredible dirty basketball court and re painted that as well. It was hard work, but we enjoyed it and everyone was so thankful even if sometimes we got more paint on ourselves then on the walls. After we worked for a few hours every day we got to have some quality time with the children to just play and be with them and learn their stories. They were a blast. The last couple days were down time for all of us, and we got to go to this place called Sisi Falls about an hour out where we were staying. It is a gorgous waterfall and we hiked to the base of it. After that we got adventerous and climbed to the top. It was a differicult climb, but so worth it in the end. The next day we headed off early and said goodbye to all the wonderful people who met at our house we were staying at, and left for our 4 hour journey back to the airport. It was truly a wonderful end to a beautiful and wonderful experience in Uganda.

my times in Brazil

well everyone we finally made it to Brazil and we are having a wonderful time. since nobody really speaks any english I am learning some portuguese. That has been interesting. I love it though. We have gotten to talk to a church about how God has work through our lives in China carry bibles, India overcoming many obstacles none knew we could face head on, Uganda where we got to love children and better their lives by manual work. The next day we passed out fliers for a big performance in the park encouraging people to come see us so we may be able share God´s word with them. It took place in a huge square in the middle of the town. We put on a skit for them, and had a sermon done by one of my team members Sean, and had a lot of music. It was a great and moving time to see the people Sorriso come to be thirsty to hear what we had to say. Today we visited a drug rehab center. that has been the most moving time since I have been hear because these people truly are clinging to God for help. There are kids as young as 13 there and as old as 60 something, but they are all there for the same reason they needed help or they would die. This young man shared his story and it touched me. He was a cocaine addict and got put into a coma and the doctors said he probably would never come out of it and if he did he would not walk or talk again. By the grace of God he was saved and lived to walk and speak again and is now been in treatment regaining what used to be his life. That is life many of the stories there, and it is a beautiful thing I have more days to come and I hope they are as memorable as this one. goodbye from Brazil. Love Always Heather

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Adventures in India

Hello from India. I am having an amazing time. Everything we do here is a new adventure especially the taxi ride from the airport to the orphanage and the ride to the Taj Mahal. My visit at the orphanage was an amazing experience to see those kids love all that they have even if they don't have water to drink or a bed to themselves they love you just being there to hug them, watch them play, or play with them. Me and my orphan friend Sujata. She's absolutely adorable. They will offer you anything and everything even if it's their last meal or drink for weeks. We did our own version of the Olympics for them seeing that it is coming up, and they all really loved that. It was amazing to see the joy on their faces when they got to get out of the orphanage and take a trip to Pizza Hut. They are so thankful and helpful, so no matter how hot it was or how much I was suffering they could brighten up my day because of their love. They also live this so I can endure for a week or so. I thing that was hard to endure was the getting eaten alive by bugs. The picture you are going to see is pretty bad, but it shows you an experience that I had to overcome with the help of a lot of allergy medicine. That's my leg right before I left the orphanage and being eaten alive. But, needless to say it was hard to say goodbye at the end of the week, but we did and I like to think that we made that week as amazing for them as they did for us. This is me and my pink team before going to Pizza Hut. At the close of the week we visited the Taj Mahal which is really amazing, and worth the drive even if it does take about 5 hours in a hot car made for just 7 and 6 people in it with your luggage strung up with just a little rope. I really enjoyed my time here for the most part. Me trying to hold up the Taj Mahal. India is definitely different from America that's for sure. I'm not sure if I ever want to come back unless I'm visiting the orphanage, but definitely a cool thing to experience. Well I guess that's for now short and sweet.
Me at the Taj Mahal. Miss you all, and Much love Heather